Announcing ParseLink, our enhanced data automation product

Announcing ParseLink, for data automation

Last updated on March 29th, 2024 at 05:37 am

WizzForms will be sunset on March 31, 2024

In our 20 years in business we have helped more than 15,000 businesses ingest data from scanned IDs. These businesses span every industry, from hotels to scrap metal yards to pharmacies. However, these disparate businesses share a common need: to quickly ingest accurate identity data into their software systems. We launched the WizzForms product in 2008 to meet this need. It was software in a box, and our first few customers installed the solution using a CD-ROM with “WizzForms” written on it by our then CEO.

Since 2008, the product hasn’t changed much, though we’ve expanded the number of scanners we integrate with, and greatly improved our ability to catch fake IDs. But WizzForms has remained Windows-based software for ingesting ID data into various software applications. 

Across the WizzForms customer base we’ve consistently heard feedback that users are looking for several pieces of enhanced functionality:

  • Easier licensing with pro-rated renewals across all their devices
  • Easier transfer of each license between computers
  • Ability to create a single ID parsing profile and push it out across multiple computers
  • Ability to catch fake IDs and stop them from populating into their application

We are pleased to announce that these features will be live on March 19! However, it was simply not possible to build these pieces of functionality in desktop, offline software. In order to deliver these features to our customers we needed to rebuild the software from the ground up. So that’s what we did, and we’re thrilled to announce the latest product in our portfolio: ParseLink. 

ParseLink retains the same core functionality as WizzForms: you scan IDs and send the ID data into your software as data fields. But it offers additional capabilities that make it much more user friendly, secure, and powerful. We have already transitioned several of our largest customers from WizzForms to ParseLink with great success.

For existing WizzForms Customers

If you are an existing customer of WizzForms, we invite you to migrate to ParseLink. You will be eligible for deeply discounted legacy pricing, which will be only a modest increase over your WizzForms annual renewal, and the migration process is quick and easy. You’ll have access to all the new features, and will benefit from the exciting roadmap of new enhancements we have planned for 2024 and beyond! 

Annual renewals for the existing WizzForms product suite will cease on March 31, 2024. At that point all WizzForms customers will see the change reflected on their annual renewal and will be encouraged to make the switch from WizzForms to ParseLink.

For New Customers

If you’re a new customer looking to streamline data automation by scanning IDs, getting started with ParseLink is easy. You can sign up immediately ingest data directly into software products like Cloudbeds, QuickBooks, Excel, and more. No more typing, no more typos!

I want to thank all of our customers for the years of outstanding business. We are excited to bring your feature requests into our product portfolio and make ID scanning even more efficient and effective for your business. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Account Manager who can guide you to the best solution to meet your identity verification needs.

Start verifying identity today

We work with businesses of all sizes to provide scalable solutions to their identity verification challenges.