
Age Verification Software

Identify and stop underage patrons at point-of-purchase or point-of-entry using an ID scanner to perform accurate age verification.

Age verification and fake ID detection using a handheld device
Benefits of age verification software

With the simple scan of any government-issued ID or passport, VeriScan instantly verifies patron’s age

Your license relies on ensuring that guests below the legal limit (18, 21) are not allowed to enter the premises or purchase age-restricted products.

Fake ID Detection / ID Authentication icon

Catch fake IDs

Use ID authentication to detect up to 95% of fake IDs.

id scanning laws compliance icon

Increase compliance

Improve compliance with age verification regulations and affirmative defense laws.

ID scanner for bars icon

Sell age restricted products

Confidently serve alcohol, cannabis, CBD, or other adult-use products.

id scanning for security icon

Empower your security

Remove the need to make judgment calls from your bouncers and bartenders.

Reduce lines icon

Customer experience

Speed up your entry lines by instantly scanning guest IDs.

Age verification software icon

Flag underage patrons

Pop-ups will instantly alert you if a guest is underage or has an expired ID.

Age verification software

ID scanning software tiers & pricing



Per device

Or $350/year

Quantity Limit: 1


Scan all North American IDs

Scan global passports

Verify age

2D barcode security checks

Use standard lists

Save images on device



Per device

Or $650/year

Quantity Limit: 1+

Includes Basic, plus:

Sync multiple devices

Create custom lists

Send email, SMS alerts

Add third party checks

Save images to the cloud



Per device

Or $1300/year

Quantity Limit: 1+

Includes Premium, plus:

Add agreements & waivers

Print badges

Add custom fields

PII & privacy settings profiles

Integrate into other systems

ID Authentication


Per device

Or $1650/year

Quantity Limit: 1+

Includes Enterprise, plus:

Ultraviolet light scanning

Infrared light scanning

Hologram checks

Watermark checks

Catch 95% of fake IDs

VeriScan complete features list
ID Authentication
ID scanning & age verification
Scan North American drivers licenses
Scan global passports
Scan non-US drivers licenses
New! Mobile ID Acceptance on iPhone
Verify age with ID or passport scan
Verify ID expiration date
2D barcode security checks
Anti-passback alerts
Void mark detection
Ultraviolet, infrared, and white light ID examination
Detect 95% of fake IDs
*Requires specialty hardware
Visitor management
Save & manage visitor profiles
Sync visitor profiles between multiple locations & devices
Utilize standard lists (VIP, Banned, Trespassed)
Create custom lists
Add tags to visitor profiles
Send notifications via email, SMS
Integrate third party checks (DMV, Criminal Background, etc)
In/out tracking
Add agreements, waivers, signatures
Create and print badges
Create custom fields
Use for management of remote access sites via VeriLocks
Match customer face to ID photo
Capture & view images on your device
Save and view images on the cloud
Drag and drop images into third party applications or local drive
Data storage & privacy
Scan offline without wifi access
5 days
14 days
14 days
14 days
Custom data retention length
Data retention settings by field
Manage PII settings profiles at the account level
Sync multiple devices and accounts
Knowledge based authentication
Compatible operating systems
iOS, Android, Windows
iOS, Android, Windows
iOS, Android, Windows
Windows only
Access webhooks for integration into your other technology systems
SSO (Single Sign-On) to VeriScan Cloud portal through Google and Azure AD

How it works

Age verification and fake ID detection using a handheld device
Easy to read

Warning & underage popups

Our applications include easy-to-understand popups to warn you when a guest is underage, using an expired ID, or their ID shows signs of being fraudulent.

VeriScan data privacy and retention settings

Easily view your gender and age breakdown, busiest days and times, and most popular zip codes to better understand your customerbase, improve your marketing, and right-size your staffing efforts.

integrate id verification into your platform

Send data into your key systems

With VeriScan Enterprise your business can use webhooks to send data directly into your key systems. We offer native integrations into some of the most popular platforms, and have an open API to allow you to customize workflows to meet your technology needs.

Detecting fake IDs

ID authentication

Our age verification software, when paired with authentication-capable hardware, can be configured to catch up to 95% of fake IDs.

How common are fake IDs?

In a recent review of anonymized data across our customer base we determined that between 0.7% and 4% of IDs presented for the purchase of age restricted products show signs of being fraudulent. Age verification software is the ideal way to combat the use of fake IDs.

What is ID authentication?

ID authentication is forensic document analysis to confirm whether the ID is legitimate. In addition to AI-powered software, it requires specialty hardware that is capable of performing the following:

  • White light/UV light/Infrared light image analysis
  • 6-image comparison
  • Front/back simultaneous matching (using OCR to compare text on the front of the ID to the data in the 2D barcode)
  • Hologram library checks
  • Watermark library checks

Can fake IDs be caught using an app or handheld ID scanner?

ID scanners use the 2D barcode to capture, parse, and read the PII stored on the ID. This includes fields such as first name, last name, address, and date of birth. Many fake IDs contain “tells” that indicate they are fraudulent within the 2D barcode. These can be incorrectly formatted fields, fields which don’t use known values (example: using “Brown” instead of “BRN” for eye color), or fields which don’t conform to the state template.

Handheld scanners lack ultraviolet and infrared camera, as well as the ability to perform front/back matching, and so are only capable of catching fake IDs with 2D barcode anomalies, which is roughly 50% of fake IDs.

ID authentication being performed on a drivers license
Age verification software

Using a handheld ID scanner

VeriScan software is cloud-based and allows for easy scanning of IDs and passports. Age verification software can be used on a handheld ID scanning device which uses an auto-focus laser to instantly hone in on the barcode or MRZ of the document.

VeriScan Download button for iOS AppStore
Download button VeriScan for Android (GooglePlay)
2D barcode security checks

Our 2D barcode security performs more than 100 algorithmic checks on each ID to detect anomalies in the barcode formatting, successfully catching nearly 50% of fake and suspicious IDs.

Mobile ID scanning →

Multi-device sync

With VeriScan Premium and above you will be able to sync scans from multiple handheld ID scanners in realtime, giving you visibility across multiple entrances or locations.

Sync scans between devices →

Visitor management

Handheld ID scanners are capable of automatically parsing all data stored in the 2D barcode, creating or amending a visitor profile for each guest whose ID has been scanned.

Manage visitors & guests →

Verify age and detect suspicious IDs using one of our popular, dedicated ID scanning devices.

We offer the largest inventory of age verification devices in the US with free, same-day shipping so you can be scanning IDs in as little as 48 hours.

Digital age verification

For eCommerce sales

Embed digital identity verification into your checkout workflow to verify guests are of legal age to purchase products such as vapes, cannabis, alcohol. Our platform goes well beyond a simple age gate, and is capable of detecting age, and flagging suspicious IDs.

Digital age verification can also be used for age restricted content such as social media platforms, or adult websites, to ensure all participants meet legal age requirements.

Brand match UX

Use our digital identity verification API with your own website’s look and feel.

Rapid response

Our digital identity verification confirms identity in 12 seconds or less.

PII compliance

Easily set your preferred data privacy, and PII retention strategy in the configurable portal.

man holding vape
Tobacco, vape, and eCigarette sales

Age verification for retail

Stores who sell age-restricted products such as alcohol, CBD, tobacco, or firearms can eliminate hassles and increase compliance by scanning IDs at point-of-purchase with our age verification scanner.

  • Scan IDs at point-of-purchase
  • Instantly verify age
  • Export records to easily prove compliance with state laws
  • Check for expired IDs
  • Check for fake IDs
  • Configurable privacy and PII settings
Cannabis dispensaries

Age verification software

Cannabis retailers, dispensaries, and delivery services, are subject to strict compliance regulations meant to keep THC products out of the hands of minors.

  • Scan IDs and parse data into your track and trace system or POS
  • Manage compliance settings from a central portal
  • Detect up to 95% of fake IDs with ID authentication
  • Meet all state regulatory guidelines
id scanning inside cannabis dispensary
age verification for casinos

Age verification software

All casinos are required to ensure only guests 21+ can legally gamble. Our ID scanners are used widely by casinos to avoid fines for underage gambling and verify age in multiple ways across the property.

  • Verify age at the cage upon cash-out or jackpot collection
  • Verify age on the casino floor
  • Verify age at casino entrance
  • Verify age at kiosks
Age verification software for bars & nightclubs
Bars & nightclubs

Age verification software

Eliminate hassles, improve security, and increase compliance by scanning IDs at point-of-entry with our age verification scanners.

  • Verify age of each guest
  • Detect fake IDs
  • Sync data across multiple entrances
  • Check for expired IDs
  • Gather guest information
  • Alerts via email or SMS for Banned or underage guests

More than 20 states are now considering legislation to require age verification for adult websites, alcohol and vape sales, cannabis content, and social media.

Age Verification for Adult Websites

Stay safe and compliant with age verification software

Your licenses relies on keeping minors out. Verify age, and detect fake IDs to ensure compliance, no matter your business.