MMJ card scanning
Use barcode scanning and OCR to scan and parse data from medical marijuana cards.
Sync data from the scanned MMJ card into your POS or track and trace software.
Cannabis dispensary
MMJ card scanning capabilities
Scan MMJ cards in 19 states, representing more than 4.8M cannabis patients.
VeriScan is compatible with MMJ cards from the following states: Arizona, California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, Oklahoma, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont
- Scan MMJ barcodes
- Read printed MMJ cards using OCR
- Scan digital MMJ cards
- VeriScan ID authentication required
Benefits of scanning MMJ cards
Using VeriScan ID authentication, you can scan medical marijuana cards as easily as you do an ID.
Save time
No more time spent manually entering the MMJ card number – simply scan and parse the data instantly.
Better tracking
Its easier to prevent looping and track daily maximums when you’re scanning each customer’s MMJ card.
Stay compliant
States such as Nevada and Missouri require MMJ card scanning to meet their cannabis industry regulations
Eliminate typos
Clean, accurate data from the medical card populates into your software – no typos or fat fingers.
Read our whitepaper to learn more about the ID and MMJ card scanning laws for dispensaries in all medically and recreationally legal US states.