
Maryland to issue new driver’s license and ID cards

Maryland memorial statue

Last updated on August 5th, 2024 at 02:37 pm

The Motor Vehicle Association (MVA) in Maryland has announced that it will issue a new driver’s license and state ID cards. The new cards will be available June 20th of this year and will begin to be issued after July 11th.

Maryland has not updated their IDs since 2003. The MVA decided to do this as a security measure; goal is to protect its citizens against identity theft and prevent counterfeiting. The new security features on the ID will make it very difficult for the IDs to be replicated. The IDs are also compliant with the Real ID Act. An extra security precaution includes mailing the new IDs from a secure MVA facility, so counterfeiters will have a reduced chance to access the equipment that produces the IDs as well as personal information.

Some of the new features include:

  • Three images of the cardholder, two on the front and one on the back
  • Laser engraving
  • Inventory control number
  • Raised print
Maryland sample ID

Per the Baltimore Sun’s article, “This card is the most secure driver’s license in the United States today,” state Transportation Secretary Pete K. Rahn said. “It has numerous layered security features that are going to make the Maryland driver’s license, learner’s permit and ID the most difficult to tamper with, and in fact, I would predict, not for many years are we going to see anyone with the ability to falsify a Maryland driver’s license.”

Counteirfeiters seem to be able to hack or duplicate almost anything these days but Maryland has made great efforts to prevent this.

Please note that this ID update will be available to all of IDScan.net’s software users before the IDs are released and will be avaialble for download here.

To learn more about the new Maryland IDs, click here.

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