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Which states have holograms as a security feature on their ID?

ID security features can help determine whether an ID is real or fake. One of the more unique features are holograms.

Testing AI-generated fake IDs against our digital identity verification software

In early February, news agencies around the world wrote of a new security threat: AI-generated fake IDs. Our team quickly tracked down the darkweb websites hosting…

Anatomy of a drivers license

Driver’s licenses contain a plethora of information on a 2 ⅛ x 3 ⅜ card. Each ID is a finely crafted masterpiece in design (jurisdictions love…

Will police accept a digital ID?

With digital IDs on the rise, more and more people are transitioning to the new ID format, but will police accept a digital ID?

Where can you use a digital ID?

With digital IDs gaining prominence, it is becoming a question of where you can use a digital ID. Here, we break down some common scenarios.

Michigan Just Released A New ID Format

A new Michigan ID format has just been released! The new ID features new design elements as well as new security features.

Louisiana introduces Bill SB168 to help prevent underage alcohol sales

Louisiana introduced Bill SB168 in an attempt to prevent underage alcohol sales. The bill would increase penalties for underage alcohol sales.

Guide to TWAIN compliant scanners

Many of our customers reach out out to our team looking for TWAIN compliant scanners. Here is a quick guide to TWAIN – how it is…