ID scanning laws updates | Q1 2023

Justice scales next to updates on state ID laws

Last updated on October 4th, 2023 at 02:01 pm

Summary of Q1 2023 legislation relating to ID scanning or identity verification

As the middle of 2023 approaches, many state legislatures have concluded their 2022-23 sessions while others continue to be active. There has been far less activity this month than in the first quarter of this year on the regulation of scanning technology at the point of sale for tobacco and alcohol products. Two bills were signed into law this quarter by the Governors of Arizona and Iowa. The Arizona bill revises statutes relating to the sale of liquor processes and procedures. The Iowa bill enacted a comprehensive consumer privacy law. Iowa is now the seventh state to enact such laws. 

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In New York, a proposed bill would require the use of biometric identity verification devices for the purchase of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. It would establish that where the use of the device indicates that the person is under the age of twenty-one, the attempted purchase of the alcoholic beverage shall be denied. In addition, the bill would require the seller of tobacco products to scan a person’s government or tribal-issued identification.

A Maryland bill would prohibit a person from using a scanning device to scan or swipe an identification card or a driver’s license of an individual to obtain personal information. It would also provide that a violation would be subject to penalties under the Maryland Consumer Protection Act.

Two proposed Wisconsin bills would require an individual making a delivery of alcoholic beverages to examine a customer’s identification, and to verify visually and by using electronic scanning technology that the customer is at least 21 years of age. The act would also require the creation of a record of the age verification. The retailer must retain the verification records for three years.

Arizona H 2223 – Revisions to multiple sections regarding the sale of liquor

Revises statutes relating to the sale of liquor processes and procedures.

Amends sections 4-101, 4-203, 4-205.02, 4-207, 4-207.3, 4-241, 4-243, 4-244.04 and 42-3355

Adds sections 4-205.14

Signed by Governor, 04/06/2023
Effective December 21, 2023

Hawaii S 1085 – Relating to biometric information privacy

Would establish standards for the collection, storage, retention, and destruction of biometric identifiers and biometric information by private entities.

The committee on Labor & Technology deferred the measure. 02/10/2023

Iowa SB 262 – Relating to consumer data protection

Relates to consumer data protection and provides civil penalties. 

Adds section 715D.1

Signed by the Governor, 03/28/2023
Effective January 1, 2025

Iowa SB 1128 – An act regulating to the regulation of certain tobacco products

Would enact act relating to the regulation of certain tobacco products and providing penalties.

Committee report approving bill, 02/21/2023

Indiana SB 5 – Relating to consumer data protection

Would enact consumer data protection.

Signed by the President of the Senate, 04/26/2023

Maryland SB 861 – Relating to consumer protection for ID scanning

Would prohibit a person from using a scanning device to scan or swipe an identification card or a driver’s license of an individual to obtain personal information of the individual.

Hearing scheduled, 03/15/2023

Mississippi H 73 – An act to prohibit certain retailers from using embedded technology

Would prohibit certain retailers and retail establishments from using embedded technology programs in self-checkout terminals or self-service checkouts to scan information on a customer’s driver’s license.

Died in Committee, 01/31/2023

Montana H 293 – Revisions to laws relating to nicotine and vapor products

Would require a seller of tobacco products to scan a person’s government or tribal-issued identification.

Tabled in Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Safety, 04/05/2023

Montana H 300 – Revising laws relating to tobacco products

Would require a seller of tobacco products to scan a person’s government or tribal-issued identification.

Missed Deadline for General Bill Transmittal, 03/10/2023

Nevada A 53 – Relating to ID scanning for tobacco purchases

Would require that a person utilize scanning technology or other automated, software-based system to verify that a person who purchases tobacco products is 21 years of age or older. A person found to be in violation of the requirements is liable for a civil penalty of $100 for each offense.

Referred to Committee on Revenue and Economic Development, 04/27/2023

New York A 294 – Revising provisions governing tobacco

Would revise provisions governing tobacco.

No further action allowed, 04/15/2023

New York A 2621 – Relating to the use of biometric identity verification devices for alcohol purchases

Would relate to the use of biometric identity verification devices for the purchase of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. Would establish that if the use of the device indicates that the person is under the age of twenty-one, the attempted purchase of the alcoholic beverage shall be denied.

Referred to economic development, 01/26/2023

New York S 365 – Relating to the disclosure of methods to de-identify PII

Would enact the New York Privacy Act to require companies to disclose their methods of de-identifying personal information, to place special safeguards around data sharing and to allow consumers to obtain the names of all entities with whom their information is shared.

Reported and Committed to Internet and Technology, 04/25/2023

Oklahoma H 1707 – Relating to ID scanning for alcohol delivery

Would require delivery service licensees to possess identification scanning software technology or a state-of-the-art alternative at the point of delivery to authenticate that the recipient is at least 21 years of age and collect the recipient’s name and date of birth.

Second Reading Referred to Rules, 02/07/2023

Oklahoma H 2090 – Relating to ID scanning for alcohol delivery

Would require delivery service licensees to possess identification scanning software technology or a state-of-the-art alternative at the point of delivery to authenticate that the recipient is at least 21 years of age and collect the recipient’s name and date of birth to deliver alcoholic beverages from a store.

Passed Alcohol, Tobacco, and Controlled Substances Committee, 03/01/2023

South Carolina S 425 – Relating to ID scanning in drive-thru or curbside when purchasing alcoholic beverages

Would require a retail dealer or delivery service employee to scan and retain, or manually record or document the recipient’s name, date of birth, type of identification presented and signature.

Scrivener’s error corrected, 03/16/2023

Wisconsin AB 127 – Relating to ID scanning in curbside when purchasing alcoholic beverages

Would require an individual making a delivery of alcohol beverages to examine a customer’s identification and verify visually and by using electronic scanning technology.

Fiscal estimate received, 04/06/2023

Wisconsin SB 130 – Relating to ID scanning in curbside when purchasing alcoholic beverages

Would require an individual making a delivery of alcohol beverages to examine a customer’s identification and verify visually and by using electronic scanning technology that the customer is at least 21 years of age.

Fiscal estimate received, 04/07/2023


Statewide legislation around privacy continues to be passed in states around the country.

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